Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mahabharata- Why Karna Supported Evil?

Karna is one of the main characters of Mahabharata. He was the son of Kunti and the elder brother of Pandavas. But he did not know this. A charioteer brought him up. Karna was a great warrior and could match Arjuna in archery. But Karna's life went waste supporting evil of Duryodhana.

Karna was made the king of Ang Desh by Duryodhana because he could otherwise not take part in the competition for princes. Duryodhana wanted somebody with him to fight Arjuna. He therefore helped Karna and won his friendship for life. We can say that Karna sold his soul to Duryodhana forever. When Draupadi was being disrobed Karna was amongst those who were laughing and making a joke, little realizing that
Draupadi was the wife of his younger brothers. Even otherwise Karna should have got up and protested against this disrobing which was very evil. But he did not do so. His wisdom was lost in friendship of Duryodhana and like others he was also thinking of ways to show Pandavas in bad light. Karna's duty was different. He should have got up and protested. But he joined others in laughing though he knew well that to laugh at a helpless woman who was being disrobed was extremely wrong.

In the end of war when Arjuna was asked by Lord Krishna to kill Karna, Karna reminded Arjuna of righteousness. At that time Lord Krishna reminded Karna of all evil deeds done by him. Karna had no answer to that. He could only bow down his head in shame. Karna died a death of shame and defeat. A great warrior lost his wisdom and supported evil because he had promised that to Duryodhana. Karna should have followed the path of righteousness and virtue. Sadly he followed the opposite path.

Encyclopedia of the Mahabharata

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mahabharata- Draupadi's Disrespect And Bhishma's Keeping Quite

In Mahabharata the Kauravs invited Pandavas for dice play. Pandavas lost everything including Draupadi in the dice play. After that Dushashana brought in Draupadi to the hall and wanted to disrobe her in front of all. That time Draupadi called upon all the elders sitting in the hall including Bhishma to save her. None of them got up. They all kept quite. That was a sin committed by Bhishma.

Bhishma has been depicted as a man of principals. When he found out that his father was in love with a girl, he vowed that he would never marry. Bhishma never married in his life. That was his character. Though he could have rightfully become the king and get married he gave it all away for his father's happiness. It was a huge sacrifice.

Bhishma knew all about what is right and what is wrong. But even then he did not stop or even try to prevent the dice play. After that when the Pandavas lost, he never said that it was all wrong and the dice play was manipulated. But the worst came when he kept silent while Dushashana was trying to disrobe Draupadi. Draupadi was a lady from his own family - The wife of his grandsons. It was his duty to get up and stop all what happened. But he kept quite. As a result during the great war, Bhishma was hurt and wounded beyond description. He waited for sun to change its direction and suffered alone in the battlefield with all the arrows stuck in his body. He must have suffered immense pain.

But the law of karma does not leave anybody. Bhishma suffered all this because he did not try to defend a defenseless woman. He should have got up and put a stop to disrobing and punished all the Kauravas. He did nothing of that kind. That was his blunder.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Lord Krishna saved Draupadi?

Lord Krishna is the incarnation of Parabrahma- the God according to Hinduism. Lord Krishna took birth on the earth to reduce the weight of the earth. He did this with the great battle of Mahabharata. In this battle millions were killed and earth became lighter.
Lord Krishna is the savior according to Hinduism. Call him when in deep distress and he always helps. This is revealed in the story of Draupadi. The story is this.

Kauravas invited the Pandavas for a gambling match. In this match the Pandavs lost everything. In the end they put the bet on themselves and they lost that. After that they bet upon Draupadi and they lost her in the gamble. After Draupadi was lost, the rascal Dushasana brought her to the court, pulling her by her hair. Dushasana wanted to disrobe her. He therefore started pulling her sari. Draupadi called her husbands to save her. As they had become slaves of Kauravas they could not help Draupadi. Draupadi then called for help from all the elders sitting in the court. But the elders’ including Bhishma kept did not get up. Most of them closed their eyes. But none came forward to help Draupadi.

Then Draupadi called Lord Krishna to save her. Lord Krishna lengthened her sari to infinite length. The rascal Dushasana kept pulling on the sari but after hours could not disrobe her. He got tired of the whole thing and retired. That man could not fulfill his desire to make Draupadi naked in front of everyone.

Lord Krishna helped Draupadi when no body did. He came at a moment’s notice when Draupadi called him for help. Hindus believe that if one has faith in the lord and calls upon him in deep distress Lord Krishna always helps. Lord has helped many other followers when they needed him most.

Mahabharata- How Kunti Suffered Because Of Her Lie

Kunti was the wife of King Pandu and mother of the Pandavas. Kunti is considered one of the most respected characters of Mahabharata. Till end of war the Pandavs did not know that Karna was their own brother. Kunti had hidden this truth from her sons. This lie made Kunti suffer tremendously. Along with Kunti, Karna also suffered. Because when he came to know that he was the son of a queen but was being brought up by a charioteer, he did not know what to do? Karna could not give up his friendship with Duryodhana because it was Duryodhana who had made Karna the king of Ang Desh during the competition. Those who have read Mahabharata must know about this competition.

The story is this. This competition was held to find out who was the best warrior amongst all the princes. Arjuna came out as the winner. At that time Karna who was unknown to others came forward and did all that Arjuna could do. But Karna was not accepted as a competitor because he was son of a charioteer. This was a great disrespect Karna suffered in front of the public. Kunti was one of those sitting in the audience. She saw her son being humiliated but did not dare to say that Karna was her son. She was a mute spectator of her son's state. At that time Duryodhana came forward and made Karna the king of Ang Desh. This made Karna a friend and follower of Duryodhana for life. He vowed never to leave Duryodhana. This was a turning point in the story because Karna was a great warrior.

If Kunti had got up and spoken the truth, Karna would have been saved from this humiliation. But she kept quite and lied. She had hidden the fact of Karna's birth right from the day he was born. That was a blunder and a sin because she hid this fact from her husband, her pother sons and Karna himself. A charioteer brought up a prince. Karna suffered agony all his life because of his mother's lie. Kunti herself had to suffer the pain of having lied to all and watch her son suffering. She wanted to look pious and she sacrificed her son for that lie.

This story teaches us that a lie spoken for whatever reason always brings nothing other than suffering.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lessons Of Mahabharata

Hindus consider Mahabharata as the greatest epic in India. It is a story of love, courage, truth, lies, deceit, selfishness, foolishness, and every other human emotion. Today when we see people of selfish interests all around us, that reminds us of Mahabharata. When we find nations states fighting with each other for frivolous reasons that also reminds us of Mahabharata. Everything that is bad and everything that is good reminds us
of something in Mahabharata. That is beauty of this epic. It showcases human emotions so totally that you need not study anything other than Mahabharata to understand human nature.

The characters are many and all have their own specialty. The circumstances play different roles in shaping destinies and this gives us a lot to learn from Mahabharta.

Kunti teaches us the lesson of lie. She spoke lie about birth of Karna and suffered all her life.

Bhishma teaches us the lesson of what happens if you become a mute observer to great injustice.

Dhritrashtra teaches us the lesson of misplace love which in the end killed all his sons.

Karna teaches us the lesson of undying friendship with a man of no principals. This led to karna's death.

Duryodhana teaches us about the reasons of destruction. He managed to get all his brothers and friends killed because of his hatred.

Bhima teaches us about why one should never forget a wrong done to oneself.

All the pandva brothers teach us about how the orders of the elsest brother are to be followed.

Love between Kunti nad madri teaches us about how love can be sustained between step wives.

Pandus death teaches us about how he could not control his sexual desire at the cost of his life.

Every character of Mahabharata teaches us something. It is for us to understand the lesson and follow a path in life that brings joy and peace in life.